Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program is a project of Students
for the Second Amendment. The goal of the program
is to train college and university students to become NRA Certified
Firearms Instructors.
Certified Instructors will then go back to their campuses to
offer training to their classmates, and others interested in
learning more about the safe, competent, operation and handling
of many types of firearms.
instructors also volunteer their training services to programs
outside of the academic community, such as Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts, The 4-H
Shooting Program,
Youth Hunter Education Programs, and
two years serving as instructors, program members are strongly
encouraged to apply to become NRA certified Training Counselors.
As Training Counselors, members will train others to become
Certified NRA Instructors.
Candidates must be 21 years of age for NRA Certified Instructor,
and 18 years of age for NRA Assistant Instructor.
Pistol Instructor
Basic Rifle Instructor
Basic Shotgun Instructor
Personal Protection in the Home Instructor
Home Firearm Safety Instructor
& Range Safety Officer
here to view the 2007 Training Schedule.
In addition to firearms instructor certification, we also
offer Basic First Aid and Basic CPR certification
cooperatively through the American Red Cross.
more information on how you can participate in this exciting
new program, contact:
(210) 674-5559
Executive Director
Students for the Second Amendment

Executive Director, Damaso Torres receives a check from the
NRA Foundation to fund the Collegiate Firearms Instructor
Presenting the grant check is legendary Texas Ranger Joaquin
Jackson, and Alamo Area Friends of NRA Chairman, Fredd Bergman.
Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program
Featured in Gun Week Magazine.

The Collegiate
Firearms Instructor Program is made possible by a grant
from the NRA
Foundation and the South
Texas Friends of the NRA.
The Collegiate
Firearms Instructor Program is supported by generous contributions
from Henry Repeating
Arms and NRA Youth