Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program Teaches Safety and Marksmanship to San Antonio Area Cub Scouts.
The mission of Students for the Second Amendment's, Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program is to preserve our nation's shooting heritage, and to fill the growing gap between generations of shooters.
Another great American organization working to preserve our nation's traditional values and heritage is the Boy Scouts of America.
From June 24, to June 27, SF2A/CFIP was privileged to assist the Alamo Area Council with their Eagle District, Cub Scout Day Camp.
NRA Certified Firearms Instructors from the Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program took charge of the camp's BB-Gun range at the council's McGimpsey Scout Park in San Antonio, TX.
Over 175 Cub Scouts and their Den Leaders and parents attented the four-day event. All Cub Scouts were required to attend an intensive safety program before they were allowed to shoot the BB-Guns.
All Cub Scouts learned the Three Rules of Safe Gun Handling, as well as what to do if they ever come across a gun when they are unsupervised by an adult: "Stop, Don't Touch, Leave the Area, & Tell an Adult."
When two hundred Cub Scouts and their parents are yelling that message at you around a bonfire at night, suddenly everything seems right with the world.
Three more Cub Scout Day Camps are scheduled for this summer, as well as a Cub Scout Shooting Sports Event in September.
The District's fall, "Camp-O-Ree," for Boy Scouts will be held the first weekend in October at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio, Texas. SF2A/CFIP Instructors will be supervising the Air Gun and .22 Rifle Ranges, as well as the Skeet & Trap Shotgun Fields for the event.
Thank you to Eagle District Executive, Ted Borcherding for inviting the CFIP to partcipate in this event, and for trusting our instructors with his Cub Scouts and the council's BB-Gun range.
Thank you to all SF2A/ CFIP Instructors who participated during the week-long event: John Heard, Fredd Bergman, David Kelly, and Damaso Torres.
Also, a special thank you to Mr. Guerra who assisted on the range.
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